Thursday, October 25, 2012

1 Day in Moscow and Why I Think Moscow Is Not A Friendly City

St. Cathedral Church, Moscow
In my previous post, I told you that I was in Russia for about 10 days when I stayed in the woods. After our stay in the camp was over, I had one day to explore Moscow. From Seliger I boarded the bus at 10:00 am in the morning that dropped me at the Moscow metro station at about 4 pm. That evening and the next day I spent in exploring the famous Red Square of Moscow.

Kremlin across Moskva River
I could not go to distant places in Moscow and had to stay around Red Square as the place where I was staying was near to Red Square. I travelled a lot around the place and even saw a biker’s show on the road.  

A biker doing stunts at Red Square
Russia is a beautiful place. Full of natural wealth, beauty and a historical charm. Though I liked Moscow as a place but I would state that Moscow is not a friendly city and may come across rude to visitors. For example, when I was at R.Sq., I asked couple of Russian women passing by if they could click my picture but to my utter surprise, they refused! Similarly, I spotted a man dressed in warrior like dress outside a shop. He was sitting with some people who were clicking pictures with him. When that session got over, I went upto him and asked if I could get a picture clicked with him and he bluntly said ‘NO’! He then disappeared inside his shop. I have been to several countries in the world and Russia was the only place where this happened to me. For about next two hours I could not dare to ask anyone to click my picture. Finally, I saw some Chinese who wanted to get clicked with me and they were generous enough to click my pictures.

The group that helped me in clicking pics
This is the group of the people I got clicked with. I wish I had noted down their email id and wish I could contact them.

Thats Kremlin on the right side
I desperately wanted to see Kremlin but there was a huge queue waiting at the ticket counter and thus I could not dare to waste my entire day to enter the building. I, instead, decided to walk around the place and feel it. Yeah! I call it feeling a place when you engage in conversations with strangers, bargain with local shop keepers and walk around noticing small, little things.
Local shop selling Matriyoshka dolls
I roamed around the small road side market named and even bought a Matriyoshka doll for my young doll. And yeah, you must bargain at the local market here. Initially, the shop keepers would hesitate but with a bit of effort you can bargain and get a good deal.

A biker's stunts in front of the famous Gum Mall
Moscow is expensive! By far the most expensive place I have been to. And a person like me should not even think of buying anything from the most famous Gum Mall.

Inside of Gum Mall
It is arguably the most expensive mall of all the malls all over the world, though the mall is a visual treat to eyes. There are brands of all kinds in this multi storey mall and simply walking in the mall gives a sense of luxury.

And the O hostel is on the left of this road
I stayed in O hostel that is within walking distance from Red Square. This hostel is a perfect place to spend a few days in the city. It offers comfortable accommodation at affordable prices and is very near to Tretyakovskaya metro station. The hostel has several options for dormitories – double bed, eight beds, female only wards, male only wards etc. The supervising staff is also friendly and fluent in English speaking. You can check out the details of the hostel here.


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